Excel in High School
Our High School
Our High School (Grades 9-12) offers a comprehensive academic curriculum and helps students overcome barriers which they may have faced in their prior schools. Explicit instruction is offered in reading, writing, and math skills, and students participate in physical education and arts programs.
High school students are required to earn 22 credits in core courses and electives to graduate. In addition, students must pass five New York State commencement level assessments in core subjects.
Some high school students attend The Norman Howard School part time, taking classes in district at vocational centers, or at a local community college. Our graduation rate is 99% and over 75% of seniors have entered college following graduation, over the past five years.
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Learn more about High School topics covered and sample units below.
English Language Arts
The primary purpose of the English department is to help students learn to communicate effectively and to introduce students to literature that helps them interpret and appreciate history, culture, and the world they live in today.
Each grade explores an overarching theme for the year, and within that framework, teachers choose literature from a variety of genres that is suited to students’ interests reading levels, and maturity
The Math Department is dedicated to stimulate students' math awareness, broaden their logical thinking, and enhance problem solving abilities. We offer a variety of math classes that fulfill New York State credit requirements.
Instruction is delivered with four foci: conceptual understanding, application principles, reasoning and problem solving.
Lessons are presented in small, homogeneous groups and are developed with consideration of the overall pace and ability of each class.
Focused strategy instruction and guided practice drive the The Norman Howard School writing program. We provide metacognitive modeling and ample opportunities for guided and independent practice in written expression and literary analysis.
Students are required to take Writing through 11th grade. Seniors can elect to take Senior Writing Seminar their 12th grade year to help further develop their written expression skills.
The science program is highly structured and includes a combination of hands-on activities, lectures, field trips, modeling and demonstrations used to enhance student understanding of content concepts and vocabulary, while making lessons practical and providing connections to real life experiences.
Science Regents offerings include: Earth Science, Living Environment, and Chemistry. Ecology is also offered at 11th or 12th grade for local credit.
Reading or Foreign Language
Reading decoding, reading comprehension or reading enrichment classes are offered based on individual student needs.
If a student is not exempt from taking a foreign language, then a foreign language class would be explored.
Click here for more information about our reading and foreign language classes.
Arts & Electives
Students participate in 10-week rotations of Photography, Visual Arts/Music, and Maker Place.
Compelling electives include History of Film and Mythology, Outdoor Education, Music Production, and Advanced History Seminar.
Social Studies
The Social Studies curriculum is organized around several key concepts in the areas of history, geography, economics, civics, citizenship, and government.
High School students take Global Studies I & II (9th & 10th grade), United States History (11th grade) and Participation in Government & Economics (12th grade).
Physical Education & Health
The Physical Education curriculum teaches students to understand and participate in activities that can develop and maintain life-long physical fitness.
The program is quite flexible; the curriculum is adapted to meet individual student needs and physical abilities. The program largely focuses on activities that are readily accessible outside of the classroom and that do not demand especially well-developed athletic abilities.
Students are required by New York State to take Health. Typically Health is offered during a student’s 10th grade year.