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The Norman Howard School

Reopening Plan

Our Current Model: In-Person, 5 Days, Full Day


In-Person Instruction:  The Norman Howard School students and staff report to the school building 5 days a week and follow all health and safety requirements outlined in our reopening plan.


Cohorts: NHS has always valued our small class sizes. Student cohorts will be created by grade level (current max, 20 students) for core classes (excluding math and reading). Due to our students’ learning needs, our math and reading classes are scheduled based on current skill levels. These classes may mix students from one or more grades. All health and safety measures listed in this document will apply to students and staff who are in building .


Hybrid Learning:  In times where risk is higher, the in-person schedule can be modified to accommodate a hybrid model. Grades 5, 6, 7, 9A will be in school 5 days, all day. Grades 8-12 classes will happen in the building daily, approximately 50% of each grade level will attend on site, the other 50% of the grade level will attend class live via Google Meets. All health and safety measures listed in this document will apply to students and staff who are in building

Supplemental Guidance Required By NYS

Remote Learning

Our remote learning plan will run online 5 days a week using our current time schedule. Students will receive live remote instruction, all day. In addition, students will receive mandated speech language and counseling per their IEPs. The classes will run on the Google Meets platform. Attendance will continue to be taken each period.


Following strong recommendations by the CDC and NYSED, NHS does not require routine mandatory COVID-19 testing or antibody testing of students, faculty, or staff as a screening mechanism. The decision of whether a test needs to be conducted should only be determined by a healthcare provider or the local department of health. NHS may, however, require testing to prove that an individual who has previously tested positive for COVID-19 while at school is “clear” to return to the building.

Contact Tracing

In the case of an individual testing positive, NHS is required by NY State to support the DOH in tracing all contacts of the individual, in accordance with the protocols, training, and tools provided through the New York State Contact Tracing Program. Confidentiality will be maintained as required by federal and state law and regulations. NHS is also required by law to cooperate with state and local health department isolation and quarantine efforts. State and local health departments will implement monitoring and movement restrictions of COVID-19 infected or exposed persons. Please note that medical privacy laws explicitly prohibit NHS from revealing the name of the individual who has tested positive for COVID-19. We may only reveal that the student or faculty member has come in close or proximate contact with an unnamed person, and how we came to know this information (school tracking systems, governmental contact tracing, or another mechanism).

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