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Kathleen Zampatori

Faculty & Staff Directory: 

At The Norman Howard School, we know our kids and everyone is comfortable with asking for help if they don't understand.  We make learning make sense.

Kathleen Zampatori

Special Education Teacher, Science

Science Department Chair

Science Club, Art Attack

585-334-8010 x 327

Mrs. Zampatori has enjoyed teaching at The Norman Howard School for the past ten years.  Teaching the same students for 2-3 years in a row, allows her to see their individual growth, not only in science, but as individuals. She shares,  "I love having the opportunity to take kids outside and show them that science is all around us including Sea Breeze!" The animals and plants in her classroom room help students talk about, learn, and do what is necessary for them to survive.  Learning everyday, her budding scientists ask questions, look for information and solve problems.  She treasures the opportunity to have students, not only learn the necessary science skills, but also know how to apply them both in the classroom and in the real world.  


When she is not teaching, Mrs. Zampatori likes to spend time with her family and friends. They are busy with sports and outings, making many memories together.

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